Lab members


Dieter Stoker


Dieter completed both his Bachelor in Biology and his Master in Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (Computational Track, with Bioinformatics profile) at Utrecht University, focussing on integrative omics/ML in both internships, one of them on DNA loop prediction in the de Ridder lab. After his Master, he assisted with (developing practicals for) courses in the new Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity Master, tried his hand at a grand writing project on the history of Computational Biology with Prof. Dr. Paulien Hogeweg (a bit of an overreach, in hindsight) and developed and taught the Basic Machine Learning for Bioinformatics course. He is now back for more ML, focussing chiefly on transfer learning or domain adaptation to be able to leverage the exponential progress in ML also for rare diseases or small patient cohorts. In his free time, he likes reading Terry Pratchett and various non-fiction works, pondering his place in the Universe (here on Earth, it turns out), walking and playing the occasional video game.