Lab members


Myrthe Jager


Myrthe is fascinated about the human genome and its role in health and disease. She studied Biomedical Sciences and Cancer Genomics in Utrecht. Subsequently, she did her PhD in the Cuppen lab at the Hubrecht Institute and the UMC Utrecht. During her PhD, she used the organoid culture system to study mutation accumulation during life, in single human adult stem cells from liver, intestine and colon. Among others, she investigated the mutational consequences of pre-cancerous disease such as DNA repair deficiency and chronic alcohol use. Although Myrthe comes from a ‘wet-lab’-background, she learned how to do the ‘dry-lab’ bioinformatic analyses herself during her PhD. She joined the de Ridder lab in 2018 as a postdoctoral fellow, where she studies patterns in circulating tumor DNA during treatment in head and neck cancer patients using CyclomicsSeq. Myrthe aims to further improve her bioinformatic skills in the coming years.