Lab members
Jeroen de Ridder
Principal Investigator / Full Professor
Prof. dr. ir. Jeroen de Ridder is Principal Investigator / Full Professor in the Center for Molecular Medicine of the UMC Utrecht and a Junior Investigator at the Oncode Institute. He obtained his master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Delft University of Technology (TUD) in 2005 (cum laude). Subsequently, he started a PhD to work on pathway discovery in insertional mutagenesis data. This work was carried out in the Delft Bioinformatics lab (Reinders group, TUD) and at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Wessels group). Dr. de Ridder was an Assistant Professor in the Delft Bioinformatics Lab from 2010 to 2016, after which he moved into his current position at the UMC Utrecht. Dr. de Ridder is the recipient of a Veni and Vidi career grant. Moreover, he is co-founder of the startup Cyclomics BV, member of the board of the Utrecht Bioinformatics Center and member of the ULS program board.